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Here we go again

12/08/2020 12:56 / Robert Amorelli

“When we least expect it, life sets us a challenge to test our courage and willingness to change; at such a moment, there is no point in pretending that nothing has happened or in saying that we are not yet ready. The challenge will not wait. Life does not look back. A week is more than enough time for us to decide whether or not to accept our destiny”. 

― Paulo Coelho

With the imminent arrival of a yet another DT for our beloved team, I began to think about what is really going on behind closed doors. Is the problem in the coaching department?

Tena had great numbers comparatively speaking. On paper the team that Pelaez and Amaury have put together has everything going for it. Players with the characteristics a team like Guadalajara and its followers deserve and demand. In a market where Mexican born players are at a premium, a magnificent job has been done in finding players who can help the Club raise the 13th cup.

So what does it come down to? Motivation. That word comes from a Latin root meaning "to move", "to set in motion", in the sense of something that impels to action. It constitutes therefore a state - permanent or transitory and even sporadic- characterized by a favorable predisposition for action.

So, is what is going on with our team directly related to player motivation? The hedonist theory of motivation expresses that human behavior is reduced to seeking pleasure and avoiding pain, pain or unpleasantness. In other words, human behavior is structured around the antithesis of pleasure - pain, pleasure vs displeasure.

Although pleasure and pain are general motivating forces, these general reactions can be modified by individual experiences. Experiences which may arise from being cooped up at home with an uncertain future before them. Such as our current state of pandemic precaution represents.

But what can elite athletes do to deal with confinement? They need to be come resilient. Resilience is the ability of human beings to adapt positively to adverse situations. Survival of the fittest. Darwin 101.

Although there are exceptions to the physical requirements, psychological skills are fundamental in top-level athletes. "Thrust", concentration, resilience, persistence, self-discipline or self-control are some of these skills.

From what I have read these are the most important characteristics of top-level athletes:
- Work ethic: a top-level athlete trains 6 to 10 hours a day. Interspersing between the gym and the practice of the sport.
- Commitment: commitment to the objectives to be fulfilled and to the improvement in the practice of sport.
- Resilience: top-level sportsmen and women do not give up when they fail. They learn from them and keep going.
- Focus on short, medium and long term goals, as well as on aspects of individual matches and activities.
- Self-confidence: refers to confidence in one's own abilities and ability to achieve goals.
- Passion: related to task-orientation, top athletes love to practice their sport.
- Persistence: practicing daily to advance skills.

Hopefully our next DT will appeal to the players and imbed in them a need for resilience and renewal. Motivation for a resurgence of el Club Deportivo Guadalajara.


Position Teams Matches Points
9 10 15
10 10 14
11 10 12
12 10 11
13 10 10

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