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03/04/2021 08:04 / Robert Amorelli

"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands in times of challenge and controversy." – Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Putting it lightly, it has been a rough two months for my Chivas. Controversy after controversy have plagued us and the sharks have been happily swimming through the chum for a bite. It’s always easy to kick someone when they are down especially when there is a dollar, in this case a peso, to be gained.

I say chin-up to the Chiva-Faithful.

There is always a tomorrow and the promise of a brighter day to come. The situations which have put a damper on what should have been a resurgence for the Red and White under the tutelage of Victor Manuel Vucetich can all be resolved with hard work and diligence. Nothing worth having comes easy and opportunities are usually disguised as hard work, so most people don’t recognize them. Including the leeches who are just waiting to pounce with the slightest sign of weakness.

There is obviously nothing I can say to explain what is going on with our beloved team. I will leave that to the experts.

What I do know is that the life of an athlete is not full of brilliant achievements, records, races, and perfect training. Failure is part of the always difficult path of the athlete. Athletes must learn to live with failure.

I can also say that what one person perceives as a failure, another person sees as an opportunity to improve and overcome. Failure should be seen as a form of learning. Failure can become the trigger to growth.

Now we come to the question, what makes successful people successful?

Success will come to you only when you are fully committed and decide that you are going to go for it no matter what. You have to dream big. Most people are not living their dream because they don't dare to dream big. In fact, most people dream small.

Successful people are always on the move. They are proactive people who go out and make things happen instead of waiting for them to happen. They have the confidence to keep going and turn failures into learning lessons. They never give up. They refuse to give up. They expect positive outcomes. Successful people always expect positive things. Always think positive and always hope for the best.

Lastly, they believe in their dreams and in themselves. A dream needs to be protected.

Chiva Brethren it is for us to protect that dream even if those responsible for making it happen are not us directly. It’s on us to keep the faith. To stay strong. To believe.


Position Teams Matches Points
9 10 15
10 10 14
11 10 12
12 10 11
13 10 10

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