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Chivas contributes experience and knowledge at the World Congress of Sports Medicine

26/09/2022 09:39 / Salvador Pacheco

The World Congress of Sports Medicine is one of the most important events organized by the International Federation of Sports Medicine (FIMS), which is held every two years, and this time it was held for the first time in Mexico, so Guadalajara, Jalisco, received the world's top representatives in sports medicine and applied sports science.

Because of this, Chivas' Sports Science Department participated in the event. This area of the club has been a spearhead in national and international development in the field, largely due to the interaction it generates between all the sciences applied to sports, from physical preparation, through medicine, physiotherapy, nutrition and human development for the benefit of the player, and constantly shares its experience and knowledge for the growth of Mexican soccer, hence the relevance of having taken part in this global meeting of the FIMS.

The importance and transcendence of the research that this area of the club has done recently merited the invitation to actively participate with 4 conferences during the congress to expose very specific clinical cases that can offer new horizons in the treatment of sports injuries.

In addition, the importance of disseminating this knowledge via the correct channels was emphasized in these forums, as well as how effective it has been that the official Chivas website has a space dedicated to publishing such research, since there you can find the scientific manuals and procedures, together with the fact of having strategic alliances such as with the Football Science Institute (FSI).

What did Chivas talk about at the FIMS congress?

1. Groin pain. A way to diagnose a case of sports hernia, given by Dr. Arturo Alcalde Santerbas, Physician of the U-20 category. The case of a player who suffered from pubalgia and was treated with an operation that is not normally done: a sports hernia surgery.

2. Multidisciplinary management of injuries in difficult cases in Chivas players. Dr. Jaime Andrés Figueroa Conde, Director of Sports Sciences at Chivas. He explained in detail the structure and functions of the management, how innovative this system is, and how all the scientific professionals within the club are involved.

3. Women's Soccer. Physical preparation of the soccer player structured in Microcycle, presentation made by Dr. Daniel Vega Mercado, responsible for the Chivas Femenil team.

4. Congenital heart disease vs Covid-19. Clinical case of a professional soccer player, presentation given by Dr. Luis Alberto Gallardo Vega, Manager of Chivas Medical Services. The case was presented of a player who presented with a heart disease, who after obtaining other medical opinions and after hundreds of tests, was cleared to return to play.

What is FIMS?
The International Federation of Sports Medicine (FIMS) is an entity that brings together 117 national associations around the world, whose main objective is to promote the study and development of sports medicine worldwide, protect physical and mental health, and ensure the welfare of all those who practice sport.

It helps athletes to achieve optimal performance by maximizing their genetic potential, health, nutrition, in addition to ensuring access to high quality medical care and training and promotes its objectives through courses, international events and its biannual major event.


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