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Who will be responsible for the Cantera Rojiblanca?

30/06/2023 14:42 / Javier Quezada

The integral formation of players has always been one of the fundamental objectives of Club Guadalajara, but now the Sports Directorate headed by Fernando Hierro has set the objective of strengthening this mission in order to take the institution to the next level and this Friday the members of this organizational chart were formally presented to the media.

What will the new structure be like?
- Director of Professional Training: Fran Pérez, who will be in charge of the Tapatío, U-23 and U-18 teams.
- Director of Institutional Soccer: Mariano Varela, who will supervise U16 to U6.

Who will be the coaches?
- Tapatío: Arturo Ortega
- Under 23: Pepe Meléndez
- Under 18: Sergio Pinto

In addition, Fran Pérez and Arturo Ortega took the opportunity to officially welcome Tapatío's 4 reinforcements: Arturo Palma, Luis Rey, Leonardo Sepúlveda and Sául Zamora, who shared their first impressions of their arrival to El Rebaño Sagrado's affiliate.

Quotes from Fernando Hierro, Sporting Director
"We wanted to share this new structure with you all, I present Fran Pérez, who already belonged to my team, we have been working here for 8 months and I think he is a very capable, passionate person, who will help us a lot in the training process of the players, he will be in charge of the Tapatío, Under 23 and Under 18."

"We depend a lot on the recruitment of Mexican players at the ages of 14, 15, 16, they are the future and we have no doubt, we have to be exemplary in the recruitment and training of that talent. You already know Mariano Varela, I believe there is no better person for his knowledge of Mexican soccer and what Chivas represents.

Quotes from Fran Pérez, Director of Professional Soccer
"It is an enormous responsibility, I assume it with the illusion of preparing all the boys that come out of our Basic Forces so that they are prepared and available for the First Team. We have experience and we are convinced that we will be able to accelerate the boys' processes and that all ChivaHermanos will feel proud of their Basic Forces.

Quotes from Mariano Varela, Director of Institutional Football
"Amaury Vergara always tells us that the Fuerzas Básicas are the heart of Chivas and that's really true, we have to empower the kids, so that they can make that leap in quality and these last three years have been wonderful with the Tapatío. I am sure that with Fernando and Fran we will give continuity to the vision that Amaury has, and as proof, we have had more than 10 debuts, several of them consolidated, like 'Chiquete' and Pável Pérez.


Position Teams Matches Points
9 10 15
10 10 14
11 10 12
12 10 11
13 10 10

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